Hollow Bars in the Automotive Industry – Steelmor

One of the largest industries in the world is the automotive industry, which includes industries involved in manufacturing, retailing, wholesaling, and maintaining automobiles.

The humble hollow bar is a vital component in such a large and well-known sector. But what are some of the benefits of prefabricated hollow bars that make them so popular in various areas?

Benefits of Hollow Bars

Of the varieties of precision welded pipes, welded steel pipe is one of the most important. These involve automobile parts such as:

  • Muffler pipes
  • Exhaust pipes
  • Transmission shaft pipes
  • Control shaft pipes
  • Thrust pipes
  • Shock absorber oil pipes

These are just a few of the areas in this sector that benefit from hollow bars. But why are they so popular? Well, among others, these are three of the top reasons:

  1. They have consistent and excellent machineability
  2. They offer increased cutting speeds and set-up time
  3. They offer reduced wear on tools

The above all means more bang for your buck, as well as offering a more economical way to supply raw material that is top quality. It is also a great option to minimise waste.

Quality Always

The automotive industry is something of a monster, and you want to be sure you’re using the best products in order to maintain your competitive edge.

In order to determine whether a steel product is inferior, there are several ways to tell:

  • Prone to cracks, scarring, impurities, pitting and uneven material
  • Inferior pipes can fold, causing lines on the surface and can crack after bending
  • Scratches that can reduce the strength
  • Lack of lustre or an unusual red colour

These are just a few things to look out for in hollow bars to ensure you are getting the right product.

Hollow Bars

The benefits of hollow bars in the automotive industry are simple: saving you time and money, as long as you are using top-quality materials.

If you have any other questions about hollow pipes, their benefits or anything else steel and manufacturing related, be sure to contact the team at Steelmor for more information.

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