Mexican Fire Opal

Mexican Fire Opal – Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

Mexican Fire Opal – Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths
Mexican Fire Opal – Color, Facts, Power, Mythology, History And Myths

Mexican Fire Opals are indeed regarded as unique and captivating gemstones in the world of gems. Their fiery appearance and vibrant colors make them a delight for the beholder. Mexican Fire Opal is associated with various positive qualities and energies, including love, purity, happiness, innocence, and hope. It is believed to bring luck to its wearer and is connected to the goddess of fertility.

The gemstone is described as having a delicate complexion, symbolizing the expression of love like that of a child. Mexican Fire Opal displays a matrix of colors and patterns that exhibit brilliant flashes of color. These opals are said to help dispel negative emotions and provide insight into their destructive nature, assisting in the process of letting go. The range of colors displayed by Mexican Fire Opals includes fluorescent reds, oranges, greens, blues, whites, yellows, browns, and flame colors. The gemstone’s unique pattern formations, including shades like turquoise and indigo, add to its beauty and allure.

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, Mexican Fire Opal is believed to have spiritual and metaphysical properties. It is said to burn off past karma and open the way for rebirth. It can provide access to past, present, and future experiences and holds a soul holograph, aiding in self-reflection. The lush green colors of the gemstone encourage gratitude and service to others, connecting the wearer to the natural world.

Mexican Fire Opal is associated with prosperity and abundance. It is believed to be beneficial for individuals facing financial challenges and can support new business ventures and monetary growth. The gemstone also enhances love and romance in the wearer’s life, while balancing mood swings and promoting trust in one’s feelings. It is said to stimulate psychic and occult abilities and provides comfort to those grieving or in times of fear. On a physical level, Mexican Fire Opal is believed to improve memory, ease the birthing process, cool fevers, and aid in fighting infections.

The gemstone is also thought to facilitate communication with nature spirits and promote growth on all levels of the wearer’s being. It is said to support individuals in entering new relationships and group dynamics, helping them remain open and sociable despite past negative experiences. Mexican Fire Opal, composed of hydrated silicon dioxide, contains varying amounts of water content ranging from 3% to 21% by weight. Its ophthalmic virtues are also recognized. Mexican Fire Opal is believed to bring inner peace during difficult times, promote right action, and foster connections for the highest good with others.

Where is Mexican Fire Opal found?

Mexican Fire Opal is primarily sourced from volcanic regions in Mexico, which is where it gets its name. However, it is also found in other countries and regions around the world. Some Mexican Fire Opals are extracted from regions in Guatemala, Australia, Ethiopia, Canada, and certain areas of Turkey. These diverse locations contribute to the global availability of Mexican Fire Opal and provide different variations of the gemstone with their own unique characteristics.

Healing Properties Of Mexican Fire Opal

Matrix Fire Opal is believed to have various metaphysical properties and healing benefits. It is said to protect against evil spirits and provide protection for the family and children. The gemstone is associated with celebration and new growth, intensifying emotions and moods. It is believed to enhance mystical visions and promote freedom and independence. Matrix Fire Opal is considered a firm and faithful stone that strengthens memory and releases anger while promoting self-worth and self-expression.

 Physical Healing

The gemstone’s bright azure color is said to soothe the mind and provide a shield against negative thoughts and influences. It is also considered beneficial for shamanic work, providing stealth and protection for the wearer. Matrix Fire Opal is said to resonate with the energy of the mother goddess and is associated with emotional support and serenity, particularly through its connection to the moon.

Emotional Healing

In terms of physical healing, Matrix Fire Opal is believed to benefit the eyes, skin, and overall water balance in the body. It is said to be safe for the kidneys, purify the blood, reduce fever, and regulate insulin production. The gemstone’s energies are thought to aid in overcoming menstrual and hormone-related issues for women. It is also believed to support new blood cell formation in the bone marrow and aid in calcium absorption. Matrix Fire Opal is considered helpful for childbirth and can assist with bone, teeth, nail, and hair-related problems. It is said to have a positive impact on heart health, including heart attacks and surgery, and promotes overall well-being by soothing the stomach and intestines. The gemstone is also believed to have healing properties for ulcers, colds, flu, mental illness, and brain wave disturbances.

Spiritual Healing

Emotionally, Matrix Fire Opal is seen as a supportive stone that heals and strengthens the emotional body. It encourages self-reflection, accountability, and the release of past wounds, fears, and resentments. The gemstone promotes a sense of control, relaxation, positivity, creativity, spontaneity, and love. It is said to facilitate positive changes and help individuals recognize their inherent potential. Matrix Fire Opal encourages acceptance, belief in divine powers, and a positive outlook on life.

Heals and balances Chakra

Spiritually, Matrix Fire Opal is believed to bring spiritual light and cosmic realization. It is said to awaken psychic and mystical qualities and serves as a guide for shamanic journeys and deep meditation. The gemstone enhances communication with the divine, provides peace of mind, and opens the heart to love. It encourages authenticity, openness, and the celebration of life’s beauty.

In terms of chakra healing, Matrix Fire Opal stimulates the solar plexus chakra. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminates negative energies, and restores spiritual energy. The gemstone activates the solar plexus chakra, which influences personal strength, learning abilities, comprehension, intuition, gut feelings, and non-linear communication. A balanced solar plexus chakra is said to enable the individual to experience the pleasures of life and ignite their spirit.

Mexican Fire Opal Metaphysical Properties

Metaphysical Properties

  1. Mexican Fire Opal is considered a fiery jewel Boulder, as produced in the volcanic regions of Mexico.
  2. Mexican Fire Opal gets solidified when water gets into the silica-rich lava of the volcano.
  3. It is often termed as ‘Play of Colors’ for its intense rays of crimson, orangish as well as yellow.
  4. Its hardness ranges from 5 to 6.5, depending on its solidification.
  5. Its specific gravity ranges from 1.98 – 2.25
  6. Mexican Fire Opal is the birthstone for the people born in the month of September.
  7. It is believed lucky for the people falls under the zodiac sign, Libra.
  8. It is an anniversary gem nugget for 14th nuptials centenarian

Mexican Fire Opal Facts

Some Facts about Matrix Fire Opal

  1. In the past, Matrix Fire Opal was noted as cherry opal.
  2. Mexican fire opal in today’s world is known to describe the play of colors effectively.
  3. The colors of this jewel boulder possess the diffraction property.
  4. The term is ‘Fire’ in Mexican Fire Opal is used to show the flashes of its spectral tints.
  5. It is mainly extracted from the regions of the Mexico.

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