The Lobe Piercing: A Guide to the Most Common Piercing | NeilMed Piercing Aftercare |OEM Jewelry

In the piercing world, it’s easy to get distracted by all of the trendy, interesting piercings out there and forget about one of the basics: the lobe piercing.

By far the most popular piercing, the lobe piercing is officially part of mainstream fashion. But, because of its popularity, it’s easy to forget that it, like every other piercing, requires proper care even after it has healed. 

The lobe can also be an exciting canvas. Besides the single and double lobe piercings, you can have a lot of fun and get creative with the placement of multiple lobe piercings.

Here’s a quick guide to the lobe piercing and some ideas to help your lobe piercing stand out.

Lobe piercing aftercare

The lobe piercing is perhaps one of the easier piercings to heal since it only takes around 6 weeks. However, that doesn’t mean that you can get lazy with aftercare practices.

Woman with Multiple Lobe Piercings

Until your piercer confirms that your lobe piercing has healed, refrain from swimming and other water activities.

Along with cleaning your lobe piercing 2 – 3 times daily with a piercing aftercare saline solution, you should pay attention to the following.

  • Try not to sleep on your piercing as it heals.
  • Stay away from standing water (like swimming pools, lakes, and baths).
  • Don’t touch the piercing.
  • Keep the jewelry still. Do not twist the jewelry within the piercing.
  • Have a piercer confirm that the lobe has fully healed before stopping aftercare practices.

You should also care for your piercing after it heals. Dead skin cells will build up in your piercing tunnel, so you should clean your piercing every once in a while to clear out the buildup. You should clean your jewelry every few months, too. Piercings tend to get a bit of a smell if left alone, and cleaning your jewelry can help prevent that. It will also keep your jewelry bright and shining for longer.

Lobe piercing styles

Many people don’t realize how creative you can get when it comes to your lobe piercings. If you’re interested in multiple lobe piercings, you can have a lot of fun planning out a unique design. Depending on the size of your lobe, you can stack multiple lobe piercings on top of each other, conduct three piercings in a triangular shape, or even come up with a design of your own.

The only stipulation is the size of your lobe. You need enough space to conduct each piercing safely. 

woman getting ears pierced

Work with your piercer to come up with an ear piercing design that’s uniquely you.

Another popular style is to plan multiple lobe piercing combined with cartilage piercings for a cohesive ear piercing look. You can sport an entire row of piercings along the rim of the ear, or you can even create a meaningful picture with your ear piercings.

A common trend is constellation piercings. These piercings are mapped in a way that represents a specific star sign. Many choose the star sign associated with their birth, but you can choose any constellation that means something to you. These piercings vary depending upon your anatomy, so if you’re interested in this style, it’s a good idea to get a consultation with a piercer in order to safely design your constellation look.

Just because the earlobe is a common piercing location doesn’t mean that it deserves any less love. There’s a reason why so many people choose to get their lobes pierced; it’s a classic, stunning look that is fairly easy to take care of. 

Whether you’re getting your lobes pierced for the first time, or you’re adding to your lobe piercing look, don’t forget proper aftercare, both while your piercing is healing and afterwards. The key to successful piercings is proper care, and lobe piercings are no different.

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